Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: The stock market in general

Folks, I think us being down to .13 is due in fact by the meltdown of the entire stock market and Mako JV pulling out. I have plenty of other investments "that were sure fire wins" provided to me by old college fraternity brothers that were on the inside track -- and when the stock market melted they dropped down over 85% from the original investment. Yes, if I bought at $6.00 I should have gotten out at $5.00, but I didn't, and I'm holding until they reach back up to $10 -- or at least $3. (But since I bought a lot more shares at .13, or .16 -- then I'm fine and I can retire rich). I still ask if anyone can give me another investment tip for any other company with as much POTENTIAL as Falcon. I don't see it, and I keep looking every week. YES IT IS SPECULATIVE -- BUT THEY DO HAVE THE RIGHTS TO SOME LARGE OIL AND GAS FIELDS. Just my thoughts.

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