Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Excellent News

With all due respect, if employees want "to align their interests with that of the stockholders", they should own the stock. This has been nothing but dilution after dilution and with each dilution the employees are allowed, under the 10% criteria, to award themselves with more and more options. And yes - before you tell me how many shares they recently purchased at a riduculously underwater price compared to many stockholders - where were any of their purchases prior to the placing employees (and directors, officers, etc) took part in to keep their paychecks coming when FO was all but out of money? At what point is their incentive to do the job they are being paid for which is, after 6 years now, to bring value to the shareholders who have given FO over $350 million (or is it over $400 million by now) over the years? And while I'm at it - what about the options they currently hold? These are in addition to them. How about "aligning" those first. Can't wait to see the distribution detail.

We've gone back and forth on these various boards over the years Soly and while I respect you and your right to an opinion (you have certainly paid for it) and I absolutely appreciate all the translations you did of the Hungarian articles, I find your calling this "Excellent News" to be a bit of a ramp.

Respectfully and with Regards,


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