Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: The Falcon play

I noticed that some folks here giving too much importance to the NIS deal in Hungary. Actually, it’s getting more and more look like a distraction reminiscent to Falcon’s private placement agreement with the Chinese back in November 2010. As you probably recall, it didn’t go anywhere.

I think NIS has a 50-50 chance to make it. Let's assume they do. So then, NIS task will be the exploration of the shallow Algyő formation to extract an estimated 1 TCF of gas.

Nice, but it’s only a chump change compared to Falcon’s 44 TCF of gas in the deep unconventional formations. Not to mention the 64 TCF of gas in the Beetaloo basin.

Do you think that Burlingame, Soliter or Persistency disagrees?

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