Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

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Here is another important excerpt:
A flexible monetary policy
While giving a nod to "take account of employment and growth objectives", the document notes that this will be taken care of by expanding the fiscal space, which would allow for a more competitive currency and lower interest rates. It cautions that there needs to be a stable long-term expectation for inflation. "This can best be realised by anchoring monetary policy to an inflation target."
The document comes on the back of other moves to impress the business sector, including the appointment of billionaire businessman Cyril Ramaphosa as ANC president Jacob Zuma's deputy.
As deputy chair of the national planning commission, Ramaphosa is expected to champion the commission's national development plan, which plots an ambitious growth path for the country over the next 30 years.
The plan has received the stamp of approval from South African businesses. A week before the conference began, 30 prominent business leaders bandied together in an open letter calling on government to implement the plan, which until now received a muted response from the ANC and government. The state has had several plans in circulation from different ideological factions.
But the national development plan got the thumbs-up in Zuma's political report on the first day of the conference on Sunday, when he declared it the party's chosen plan and that there was "nothing that must go in any other direction".
This development plan explicitly calls for the exploratory drilling for shale gas, using shale gas reserves if proven, and switching from coal to gas derived from the Karoo!The full pdf is 489 pgs long, so you will need to read this on your own time.Here is the link:http://www.npconline.co.za/
The news coming out of S.A is extremely positive for Falcon.Hopefully, they issues such permits very soon.
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