Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Re: Falcon Planning To Spread Its Wings

I'd settle for them getting oil and/or gas from just one of their properties. Back when they were first drilling Hungary, a hundred years ago, we heard about Australia and that was the focal point till recently when, after 5 years of no gas/oil we heard that S Africa was the big deal. Another property and I guess we can forget about SA. Why not try to actually get something out of the ground in one place before moving on to fail elsewhere. It makes for nice hopes and dreams, what with the forgetting of the failures and looking to the future. But, honestly, SA is a decade away, minimum, from ever producing. We still got spit from Hungary which has been over a decade and it will be a year before we see anything from Australia, based on past performance. So why drag another property into the mix. Prove you can get one thing right after a decade plus of failure. Hate to be the voice of reason or as some will say, doom and gloom, but this is getting tiresome. I remember when this was Kip's stock of the decade. A decade and a half ago. My point being, we are shuffled along to a new place when the old place is a bust. See Hungary for example and Australia, if the talk turns to SA.


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