Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Database McFaulds

Database McFaulds

posted on Feb 05, 2008 02:23AM

I uploaded a few snapshots of my homecooked database in the photo gallery of Spider Resources.  It’s edited with Microsoft excel. 


There’s a picture of a piece of the claimsmap, updated february 2nd with the information obtained from the webside of  the Ministry of Northern development and mines were the claims are registered. The claims are there with their claimnumbers. Each claim has it’s own remark dialogue box, where I put the highlights of the discoverys in. They appear/disappear automaticly when you move the mousecursor over a specific claim. The real map is not a picture, but fully accessable. You can enlarge or minimise it, edit the claims, search a claim by putting the number in the search box. All the features of Microsoft Excel are applicable.With the remark boxes you’ll have an easy map overview of the strikezones. This will be very handy when in the near future, when 10 to 15 drills are turning and assay results will flow in steadily. 

List of claimholders:

A list of  2161 records of  registered claims with the owner, claimnumber. You can sort/filter the list at your convenience. Each claimnumber is in fact a hyperlink, just mouseclick on it to go to  the specific page on the site of the Ministry of Northern development and mines, were you can see the history of that claim (identity staker, date transfer/acquisition, % registered ownership, joint ownership,….). Check out their website, there’s a ton of information about the claims, detailed maps etc. 

Sheets with the newsreleases:

Headlines (hyperlinks) of all the newsreleases, click on one and you get the entire NR. In fact, all the newsreleases follow each other, just scroll through them, it reads like a book. No more clicking back and forth on the internet for reviewing the releases. 

This information is available for 19 companies, active in McFaulds.

If you wish to obtain the files, just send me a private message with an emailadres, and I’ll mail them to you. 

For the moment the files more or less serve as a database. Ofcourse, all the files will be updated regulary, I hope for everyones support on this. I hope to make the map more interactive by putting more information in, like magnetic airborne results, newly spotted targets, when available. 

All your input is greatly appreciated to improve, so please give suggestions, corrections, things to add,….. Hope it will help your DD-ing.

It took me 3 full weeks to put everything together, it will take you probably many many more weeks to assimilate it. 


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