Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: The drill-googleeye

The drill was too big to fit in the airplane and some guys from Billiken had to come and take it apart. That took an extra day or two. There are small delays all along the process. When you think how many people have to handle and transport a drill - from wherever the get it by truck to the airplane, by airplane to Webequie, by helicopter from Webequie to the drill sight. Not to mention even the lumber that is needed for the drill pad has to be bought and shipped by the same method. A day or two late is actually a miracle. Everybody is waiting for the announcement - "drilling has started" - which is actually the end result of a long chain of events that has to be coordintated between five or ten different shipping points and companies. Some of this is weather dependant, some is dependant on all sorts of things that are uncontrollable. If the guy that drives the forklift in Webequie goes fishing for a day, the airplane can't get unloaded. Not to mention that the two airplanes that can haul the drill and drill rod and lumber and drums of fuel and tool boxes and drill hose and oil and core boxes, etc (I think you get the picture) also have to continue to supply all of the native villages in the area (about 10 or 15) with their food and fuel. All of these villages run on generator power and require a lot of fuel delivered on a daily basis. I don't think a lot of investors get this. Trust me, the whole area is busy. We know they are going to drill, thats more than we knew a little while ago. So at this point, the ball is in motion and it will happen when it happens. I would expect late this week or early next. But they don't take weekends off up there so it could be on the weekend too.

For the record, I still don't know whose drill it actually is and I don't own any shares of FNC.

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