Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Mineral Fields
It's the best use of my cash, so it should be the best use for Fancamp's cash.   I see a unique opportunity with the confluence of MineralField's available shares, our low stock price, and our available cash. By Fancamp buying MF's shares, an arrangment can be made where MANAGEMENT'S YEARLY PAY COME FROM PROFIT, NOT FROM DILLUTION.  If Fancamp spent 1.5 million now for FNC shares, they could make those shares available at a higher market cap. If Smith  can get MC to double, he turns 1.5 mil to 3 million.  He offers 1.5 mil of shares to someone who wants in ar this higher SP price. This gives liquidity in profit without dillution. Salaries and company expenses are paid from this liquidity. If he doesn't increase FNC market cap, then he's tied up FNC money for loss - just as we've tied up our money.  Naturally director salaries cannot be paid without profit. Management has incentive for profits  in the same timeline line as shareholders -as are dividends.  I believe this addresses the heart of shareholder disgruntlement.  If Smith expects shareholders to maintain belief  in profit from his efforts, so should he be dependent on the belief in profit.  Fancamp will have an accountable performance based CEO. Surely this is the desire of any company CEO who respects the responsibility for the trust placed in him. 
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