Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: Two Letters I'm Mailing Today

I’ve written to our major investors and other interested parties, as follows, on our letterhead with two of our business cards enclosed. Those recipients will receive two letters, one directly addressed to them, as well (so they can review it) the other being the one I addressed to the Directors and to the Advisory Board (on the next two pages).

27 September 2012

Hello [Investor or Interested Party].

I chanced upon the Agoracom Message Hub and began participating long after many others. At first, I couldn’t completely understand all the fury directed at Dr. Smith. After all, he’s played an important part in assembling our outstanding portfolio of properties. To be fair, that fact remains.

Recently, I’ve been entrusted by Fancamp investors holding tens of millions of shares to write and talk to all our corporate officers, including Dr. Smith. It’s been a great learning experience. So far as my present level of understanding, I’m getting there.

I don’t shoot from the hip. Plus, I’m fairly well informed by now. I don’t say this lightly, but to be blunt and to be brief, with four exceptions (of people who haven’t given me permission to single them out in this letter), every other person I’ve identified at Fancamp deserves to be fired.

So far as the geologists we’ll lose: In this world, the replacement geophysical expertise is out there, in abundance. It’s that important to wipe the slate clean. The present corporate culture is bad beyond fixing. So far as initiating the crucial changes, absolutely, we should not be timid about it. We need to neutralize the poisonous environment, not leaving a trace of it behind.

Talent is important. However, far more crucial, at this point, is having business people in charge with business people under them, everybody meeting our uncompromising new standards of being unreservedly dedicated to the shareholders, with no “ands, ifs, or buts.”

Best regards.
Spokesman. Shareholders for Accountability at Fancamp.

27 September 2012

Hello [Director or Advisory Board Member].
[According to the recipient, there are minor differences in how the letter is phrased.]

Every legitimate publicly-listed company known to us welcomes and eagerly responds to investors, as well as conscientiously seeks them out. What’s so special about Fancamp, which causes you—not only not to seek out investors—but, beyond that, to refuse to communicate even with the present ones who contact you? Why do you refuse to so much as acknowledge the just concerns of shareholders who earnestly need to be reassured help is on the way?

Being that you’ve secluded yourself from shareholders (or consider us condescendingly), does that mean we’ve been talking to the wall? Will you, at least, concede you’ve read our letters? Are our expectations too high even to ask you that? Being that you’re not talking to us, how do you expect us, in return, to vote for you?

As you understand it, cutting yourself off from the shareholders is how you’re supposed to perform your job? That’s how Dr. Smith instructed you to handle shareholders who attempt to contact you? That’s your way of embracing the people who are trying to encourage you to be constructive, instead of going along with the company’s blundering missteps?

Vis-a-vis the investors of our industry, are you pretending to be so infallible that it’s part of your regular modus operandi not to bother answering them? The past and the present excellence of the Fancamp shareholder returns are that far above being open to question?

The share price is so stratospherically high, even bringing up the possibility it could be the opposite is so utterly unseemly a thought, as to be undeserving of any response from you whatsoever? Is it because your level of comprehension is so stratospherically high, it would be too challenging for us to begin to appreciate your superior level of intellect?

What in the world is so important that you should ignore the plainly-stated aspirations of the shareholders? How does putting yourself in an isolation chamber do anybody any good?

Two things are obvious, even to non-officers of the company:

A) Fancamp owns valuable resources.
B) The share price does not reflect that.

Where do you think our focus should be?
A) Find still more valuable resources or
B) Open lines of communication to investors?

Our group, “Shareholders for Accountability at Fancamp,” has written to you, respectfully, twice before. One letter enumerated seven badly-needed reforms. The other, using plain arithmetic, explained the consequences of our clearly deficient market capitalization.

To no avail, we asked you to join us. This is not worth an answer? Who do you think you are?

As we said, in our last letter to you, “We are not interested in being represented by strong silent types. If you have opinions favorable to shareholders but prefer to keep them to yourself, to us, that’s the equivalent of being anti-shareholder.”

So far as the reasons behind your negative attitude, they’re a mystery to us. You’ve been elected to serve us. Yet, the very fact of your absolute tight-lipped silence, better than words, unambiguously makes the case you’re on the wrong track. That truth about you is the same truth that confronts us. Not answering us—ever—goes beyond being absent-minded. The message you’re conveying is: Shareholders and I don’t mix. I’m a hostile force against you.

26 September 2012
$10.37 million = CHM 15,025,000 shares X $0.69
$9.90 million = RGX 9,000,000 shares X $1.10

$20.27 million = FNC ownership of CHM + RGX shares
$17.00 million = FNC 109,655,620 shares X $0.155

??? millions = NSR positions in CHM and RGX.
??? millions = Fancamp Properties (other than Magpie).

6 September 2012 (Our Last Letter to You)
$11,293.15 million ($102.99 per share) = Magpie Resources at 2% of Market.

18 May 2012 (News Release)
$5.00 million = Cash Received from Champion.

30 April 2012 (Audited Financial Statement issued 28 August 2012)
$4.98 million = Cash and Cash Equivalents (not including Marketable Securities).

Do I have this right? You’ve given this no consideration? Nothing should be done about it? You consider our group so contemptuously, it’s beneath your dignity to reply?

Yours truly.
Spokesman. Shareholders for Accountability at Fancamp.

P.S. If I’ve mischaracterized your attitude or your sentiments, kindly send me a letter or email me or call me. I look forward to receiving your corrections.

Oct 16, 2012 12:10AM
Oct 16, 2012 09:17AM
Oct 16, 2012 09:44AM
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