Highly prospective exploration company

Resource projects cover more than 1,713 km2 in three provinces at various stages, including the following: hematite magnetite iron formations, titaniferous magnetite & hematite, nickel/copper/PGM, chromite, Volcanogenic Massive and gold.

Message: My support

I have no clue how and when this current situation will be solved.

The only thing I know is that it will effect the stockprice again in a negative way.

All this "fighting" will harm everyone....and after 12 years waiting and hoping for more appreciation which would lead to a higher SP it will be again same story like always...it's a mess right now..!!!!

Mr. Smith did talked many times regarding shareholders value..after 12 years I draw the conclusion that these words are only words..!!! I DON'T SEE ANY SHAREHOLDERS VALUE..!!!!

I start to feel pissed of with this situation...after 12 years being a patience shareholder i have no faith at all anymore if Fancamp will ever be a succes story..!!!

I wish I never did bought any shares of Fancamp...!!!!


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