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George et al

Message: Re: hemp

Apr 08, 2019 02:54AM

May 09, 2019 05:52PM

[b]Extraction processors going in everywher across USA,
and this; hemp's to go from half-billion dollars in 2018 to 22 billion by 2022. [/b] 


Manufacturer making wood replacement from hemp to open plant in Murray
March 19, 2019 Leanne Fuller




CALLOWAY COUNTY, KY — A company that makes HempWood, a timber replacement material composed of hemp, is opening a plant in Murray, Kentucky.
That announcement came Tuesday from Gov. Matt Bevin’s office.
Fibonacci plans to open the first HempWood operation in America in Murray with an investment of more than $5.8 million.
The plant is expected to create 25 full-time jobs, the governor’s office says.
A 11,230-square-foot facility in Murray will be leased for the plant, and the company has contracted for 800 tons of hemp stalks from west Kentucky farmers already, Bevin’s office says.
The company says HempWood can replace hardwood oak, and can be used in flooring and furniture, woodworking projects, culinary serving boards, and other products. Production is expected to begin at the factory this summer.




BioPlastics - This outfit wants cannabis growers stalk they're throwing away.
''9Fiber of Silver Spring, Maryland, plans to process waste hemp and marijuana stalks for industrial purposes such as bioplastics, construction materials and animal bedding''
The current domestic hemp-fiber market is tiny, Alai said. But 9Fiber plans to approach U.S. companies importing hemp products to pitch them on using domestic hemp waste instead''




It's happening all over heartland, $40+ Million Plants going up in Kentucky.. Multipurpose Applications.
''Bevan said GenCanna would increase hemp production tenfold in 2019 to about 10,000 acres – all flower varieties in Kentucky''








Hemp Fberboard
https://www.hcmagazine.com/hemp-fiberboard-poised-to-replace-plywood/?fbclid=IwAR2whkEJC9EDgSBJlo1LXQIiiOWRr6vKejLsPPJfl3zPYmo-mgwksZLtWMk https://hemptoday.net/hemp-micro-decorticator/?fbclid=IwAR0-fPYksOq8rruGoEibiIJ9LaieLYjsfB9ej-vkN0gL4pYRTdTkSWZibTg

Fiber Applications.
“France produces the lion’s share of Europe’s pulp and paper,” according to zenpype.com. “It’s the most important hemp market in the EU, accounting for over 50% of fiber applications. French hemp cultivars are suited for grain and fiber production, the specific varieties that industry trends demand.”




''This biomass can be converted into virtually any sort of energy''




The power to revolutionize the clothing industry.
After-all, The Chinese make their military uniforms with it.

Levi's found a way to make hemp feel like cotton, and it could have big https://www.businessinsider.com/levis-investing-in-hemp-as-a-cotton-alternative-2019-5?r=US&IR=T&fbclid=IwAR2esVhZ2d_J-p4tpU9GqIAqpEO1ziwMAF_7BTnE2RqYHa5LHc3u7WIpbsUimplications for your wardrobe.




''Hemp is also being used as a fiberglass substitute, and hemp oil is being converted into plastics which can be used to create parts for automobiles. Various car makers are beginning to use hemp in their cars, including Audi, BMW, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Honda, Iveco, Lotus, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Saturn, Volkswagen, and Volvo.''




The 2019 Farm Bill Opens The Door To This and So Much More.




"Moving forward, hemp will be even bigger than cannabis," she said. "[Lawmakers] need to look at the history: when George Washington was president, people were required to grow hemp. If they didn't, he'd throw them in jail."
She continued, "Hemp affects so many industries — its uses are never-ending — and I think the government is afraid of that."
" Hemp could change the world, not just the US. It will change communities, it will change the way we treat medically. It will improve our lifestyle, completely."










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