Galahad Metals

4 projects in Ontario, Quebec and Nevada (Gold, Silver,Copper,REE)

Message: market cap

Based on the number of shares that are currently trading we have a market cap of about 8 million dollars. (52,000,000 shares)

Fully diluted we have a market cap of about 14 million dollars. (89,000,000 shares) if that dilution is turned into trade shares we add about 5.5 million to the treasury which would be added to the 1.5 million we have in the bank plus the credits coming from the QC government.

Make a list of all the activities this company is undertaking and the potential for news in the coming months..........Does this not seem really cheap to you?

I realize it is all "blue sky" but as far as a lot of other exploration plays are concerned I think we have a great buying opportunity in the next few weeks. Do some research and check out what is happening here.........both Red Ore and Regcourt will be putting results out in a few months. Red Ore will have an IPO to add to the mix.

All good......carry

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