Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Buy Buy Buy

"100 MT at 2 grams/tonne is 6.4 million troy ounces of gold. At $75/ounce in situ, that's $480,000,000, or about $4/share. Only for Timmins/88, you'll note."

OK, so here's the plan. Let's sell our Timmins/88 Zone/Snow White area for $5/share to one of those big gold companies, Barrick maybe, in December of 2010. Then let's pay out $4.50/share dividend and keep the other .50/share (roughly $50 million) and drill the other 3 areas into pincushion-like substances... I'll bet you can drill quite a few holes around there for 50 million... I bet you could prove up a whole lot of mineralization with that kind of money...

OK,OK, just dreaming here. A LITTLE dreaming never hurt anybody, did it???

I wonder if the majors would go for that.....

God Bless all Golden Investors.


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