Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

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FM, great questions and good to see you posting here. I remember enjoying your posts on the NOT hub many moons ago.

Here's some thoughts on those questions.

JT said that at present, the biggest hold up would actually be having an experienced geologist to decipher the core. At this stage of the game, it is as much about trying to understand the geological framework and the event that occurred to create this deposit, as it is about just simply getting samples to the lab. Tilsley said it would take a minimum of 6 months to download all of the information to another geologist who would be qualified to analyze the core as it comes in.

I'm not suggesting it would not be a good idea to get more drills, more saws, and more core to the fact I think they all know that this would be a great idea. However, I don't think we are there yet as the balance of the current burn rate and accumulating the intellectual property is in a delicate position. My hunch is that they are wanting to get as much 'quality' information out there so that the next capital raise will be in play to truly expose what is in the ground. I think they are attempting to be prudent by maintaining this seemingly slow pace.

They seemed to be confident about proving this 100MT. I have no response for the 43-101 issue as that is ALWAYS the question of the day. Tilsley says that 'he'll know what he's doing tomorrow due to the events of today'. Every single day this thing is changing, and drastically. These new zones they are finding are big deals.

The 43-101 will be necessary at some point and they are probably going to look at all of their options of how best to do this. So, to your point....the 100MT should be taken with a grain of salt because as far as I know, I do not know how they expect to prove to us that this is the case. There has been some talk of doing a 'conceptual' report which will obviously carry less weight than inferred, or indicated etc. I'm not sure what the discount is for a 'conceptual' deposit.

Hoov is simply the best guy to answer that question, hopefully he'll get back to us on that. I just turned on the Hoov Signal on my roof....let's see what happens.

I've asked Candido what his plans are. I don't think he expects to be mining this thing himself and I think Frank is a dealmaker and entrepreneur, not a miner. I do think he will do whatever is best for the shareholders, whatever that may be.

Pure spec here, but I'd say the goal here is to show something special and then test the market to see if there are any bonafide miners who want to take it the next stage of feasibility or permits. But as JT says, at present things are changing so rapidly it is truly difficult to have concrete plans as this project is morphing on an ongoing basis.

Things are moving rapidly behind the scenes, IMO. It's a small team but we are getting a good bang for the buck which is crucial at this stage of the game. Especially when raising capital is a tough thing to do in these markets.


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