Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Buy Buy Buy

I don't think they would ever drill the 20km out. No chance in hell actually. They'd probably need 10 drills going 24/7 for 2 years and the ancillary equipment and manpower to process that - and that's only assuming they clear cut the whole belt and the property owners were on their porches cheering the drillers on.

I don't think the gameplan here is to drill out the 20km. In fact, I'm pretty sure nobody at GNH knows what the gameplan is, period. To quote Tilsley again, he'll know what to do tomorrow based on what happens today - things are changing on a daily basis....he mentioned this more than twice last week. The fact that they keep finding these bodies of quartz lined up in a row (12) is amazing. I remember when Sasha told me most explorers are happy with just 1, and we have 2 of those (T1 and T2). This was like 4 months ago.

As for dilution? Absolutely. Osisko has over 300M shares out (not fully diluted) as a point of comparison. We'll need more money to continue the delineation. The question I am most concerned with is at what price?

I'd say that they are putting their funds to good work, and I believe they run a lean and organized ship which is why I'm not griping about the 1 drill. It's like a tank of can go a lot further if you set it on cruise at 50km/hr than you would if you floored it.

I think this is a critical time, and frankly I think they are really just at the starting line...the past 3 years of GNH was a prologue to where we are now. The ducks are in a row, and the machine is running beautifully. There is no BS pump (other than myself), and Tilsley is the most god forsaken negative and conservative man I've ever met. If the potential weren't so bloody sky high I think he'd kill this thing by just being himself!

Twilight, I think you bring up great points, and I personally welcome any challenges to the viability of this project. As long as it's respectable debate, I think we'd all benefit from trying to find holes in this project.

My opinion, there is only 1 major issue with this project and that is the Nugget Effect. This is the problem and they are methodically and collaboratively coming up with a solution. There is no canned solution here, but I'm fairly confident Candido will get over that hurdle - if he hasn't already. It's minor considering where they have been and how they've gotten it to this point.

The market likes a 43-101 and drill results. That doesn't gel with our company. If I had to take a stab, I'd say Tilsleys plan is to demonstrate raw tonnage regardless of the grade, enlighten interested parties on our understated grade and then let them fight over the value of this potential Belt.

It's not going to happen overnight, but the momentum here is building behind the scenes. Frank is a young guy and I don't think he sees himself sitting at the helm of Golden Hope for the entirety of his career. He's driving this ship at a very comfortable and calculated pace. I think the addition of Drouin on the BoD is the best example of all means him joining the team appears to be a large sign of better things to come.

I for one am amazed when I read about the other plays in the same space, whether it's GBB, CAN, or others. Honestly I think they are all incredible opportunities, but from what I can see here...if we are comparing 'potential' to 'potential' it's not even in the same league. They all appear to be ahead of GNH in building out their results and awareness, and certainly have their own legs up on GNH in some areas of development - but this is the GNH board, and no disrespect to their shareholders, I think they'll continue to do well and maybe even better in the short term.

The tea bag just got dropped, we need to let it steep awhile. The first time we get results will signify the beginning of a steady diet of more of them. The more tonnage there is, the more interest from real money we will find and if we can get our SP over $1 at some point - that opens an entirely different world of institutional money that Frank will have access to. Many funds do not and can not touch stocks under $1. I figure that eventually the existing shareholders will realize what they're holding on to, or knowledgeable new ones will pick them up - and stop selling them off. As soon as that happens, our SP should rise and I would expect Frank to be making some callbacks to any firms that said, call me when you're over a buck.

Rome wasn't built in day, and neither will this deposit. In my amateur opinion, I truly believe these guys are on the right track and so does absolutely everyone that is involved with it that I have spoken to. The best part is, there is no arrogance here which in my experience can be a huge barrier to innovation and progress. It was great to see the real progress made between my 2 site visits within a few months and I have no doubt that I'll see more on my next one, which may even be late next month. To protect my investment with a $300 Porter ticket is worth every penny.


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