Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Site Visit
To start, I would like to thank very much Frank and Sasha for the wonderful day. Actually, it was a GREAT DAY!!!EH!
Sunshine all day with a group of people who all see the whole picture, lots of blue sky!

The landscape and people are very friendly, access super clean and efficient. Very Economical.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We arrived in town and entered the offices meeting the one Mr. Tilsley and staff with some quick talk introductions.After which we had our enjoyable, healthy lunch in town and headed out to the sites.
Our drive to Timmins was about 12 minutes and we easily parked all cars right next to the bulk sampling area in T1.
The education continued from here. Bulk sampling area produced results from surface of between 3g/t-10g/t
From this area all the drilling has been done and to date since yesterday they were drilling hole number 120 on our site for a total of 20,000 meters in record.

It is really quite something when you basically drive a car straight up from one length of property to the other on dirt/gravel road and start to understand the length and magnitude of this deposit. So basically what they have to do now is drill lots of holes just next to the road some 100 to 200 meters inside the woods along this 20 kms length.
To date all drilling is giving us the same consistent type rock along the zone which is what we want. I didn't know this part but apparently most gold is not visible to the human eye. So when you get visible gold I guess that means some really good things, and we have some of that.

So I put this question in two, to two different people. My dream of a billion. So firstly, I asked Mr. Tilsley what had to be done to prove up 100 million tons of ore? He showed me about visually the distance we would probably have to go, then I said it could then be possible we might have in excess 1 billion tons of ore to process, after proding he admitted that yes it could be possible. Then later I asked Sasha make sure you don't sell us short, like 2 or 3 dollars. He said nothing would even be considered under 5, and I said thanks, 1 billion market cap. is also possible.

I was not aware this, but outside of us being surrounded we do have many more claims going along the belt up to 60 kms and in other directions, very interesting!

Hoov has posted this infomation on the other board.100 million metric tons, 2 g/t = 6.4 million troy ounces of GOLD
$75 in situ $480,000,000 = $4/share only for the Timmins/88 zone.

When you add up the total of the whole length of the 20 kms it becomes a really crazy price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pleasant Dreams,

:) Skier59
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