Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Site Visit

Thanks Sponge for the accolades but in realilty, I haven't been around the industry for a long time. My dad was the expert in the field but he is no longer with us. God bless his soul.

Answer to Brattymack and Orange Flash about the Gold belt. I was keeping it quiet all these years just so we can experience it today, as all the planets are lining up, and James Tilsley is getting closer every day to showing the true picture of what we have underneath our claims.

Speaking of James Tilsley, he told us a nice story about drilling on the different private properties that are on our claims. One of the drill holes had to be taken right smack on a property line of two different owners. On one side was Mr. Mercier's property, and on the other side was Mrs. Mercier's property. They are actually a married couple and all, but the property happens to be in each others name. Anyway, JT explained that GNH has to pay $40.00 per day to the owners of the properties for the time they are drilling and working on their property. Since the drilling was on the property line, GNH paid $40.00 per day to each of the owners. All is good so far. When it was time to pay the Mercier's, Dany Boilard said that he would get the check, for both amounts, written up in Mr. Mercier's name, to which Mrs. Mercier answered "Over my dead body!!". Two seperate checks we're written. That's a funny, but true story.

Another item, about property permission, is that on the maps of the different locations we will be drilling, colors are used to indicate the status of the permission we have been granted thus far. This has been explained on a previous post. I would like to add that some of the YES permissions came with conditions. It is written on the map legend. YES but watch out for dog. YES but not during hunting season. I found this amusing and really sharp as all the daily functions of the land owners are being considered.


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