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Message: OT: Request from the board! - groundskeeper of the board...

Hey guys,

Ive been a member of Agoracom for 3 years now, and Ive been on GNH since hoov told me about it last year.

I am a frequent visitor, and love to keep the board clean.

My ranking is VP, and 3.1 - I need 3.3 to be President and to be able to delete spam posts that have been popping up so frequently lately.

I have the GNH Discussion board set to my home page and try to update the board as much as possible and keep it clean for us to reap the rewards.

I humbly request that some of you vote my start ranking to 4 or 5 so that I can get 0.2 more points to be President and keep the board clean.

All I want is 3.3, Im not asking to be a 4 or 5 star member as I dont think I deserve that as Im not as knowledgeable as some of the great posters here, but I like to contribute and do my part, and keeping the board spam free is one way in which I can contribute, while others can contribuet with their years of experience - I guess I can be the grounds keepr of the board :)

My ranking went down slightly as I posted on the NOront board what I really felt about the stock, and people viewed it as bashing hence they gave me a rating of 1 star - Under no circumstances did I bash the stock, that would be silly I had a huge holding of NORONT shares and only want to tell the board of my thoughts and how I felt. Listen the stock hasnt move in a very long time, and I sold to buy GNH - and they called that bashing? Thats unfair to give me a 1 star cuz your not happy with the SP of NOT which I held and still hold (minor position).

So if you think I deserve a 3.3 and the rank of President to keep the board clean and spam free, please feel free to give me a 4 or 5 on my star value. Once I hit 3.3, Im not asking for anymore of your votes, all I want is a 3.3

Thanks for your consideration gang.

I HOPE you have a GOLDEN day, MINE will be (hope you like my capitals) :)


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