Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Re: I think the discussion about.....

I would be very surprised if we don't see assays out by September 14th when Jay Taylor will be interviewing Frank Candido i believe. If i were President (thank goodness i'm not because we have amazing leadership) i would release the results September 7 day after labor day. we would rally big time for the week. And just when we are about to have profit taking the ceo is on the air talking about the results. Then a few weeks later we have James West on BNN pumping GNH again saying how theres further evidence of a large gold belt here. I really believe September is the month Gold breaks over 1300.. today Markets are way up, after the recent gold run you'd expect cash to move out of gold into stocks. yet we are only down a few bucks on gold. VERY bullish if you think about it.. September will be a fun month for GNH if we can just Get those assays out this week or next.

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