Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Gold Belts

Gold Belts are mined for decades as they contain 10's of millions

of ounces of gold.Our management has come right out and said

this has the potential to be a new gold belt!You don't here that

very often.That doesn't mean it will be,but I'm with Brattymack

on the homerun theory,as the potential here is mind boggling.

It's so early in the game,the fans are only entering the stadium,we

haven't even heard the national anthem.I'm of the Jesse Livermore

school of "be right and sit tight"to really make the big money.If the goods

aren't in the assays,then I'll take the loss and be gone,but otherwise I'll

be happy to still be holding when I'm old and grey(pretty much there now)

because if this is a new gold belt,it will still be producing long ater I'm six

feet under.Take the above as pumping if you like,but it looks like there

is true potential here.Just expessing my opinion for what it's worth.

Long GNH.


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