Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: "Almost inconceivable just how much gold might be present"

This line is from the conclusion of Larry's report and the context was:

Similar quartz in diorite showings and geochemical responses are known from other sites along the potential gold belt, notably Laval's Mountain 9.25km to the NE of Timmins, Sugar Bush 5.35km to the NE, and Béland 7.2km to the SW. GNH holds contiguous claims covering at least 90% of the area between these sites, and beyond. If the highly speculative possibility that these showings are all outcropping from one very large geological structure, a hydrothermal fracture zone of significant dimensions, then it is almost inconceivable just how much gold might be present in the Bellechasse Project area. Visible gold was returned in core from one of three holes drilled at Béland earlier this summer.

Now, my interpretation of this and how it came to be in his report is the following: The theory of hydrothermal fracturing has been proposed by James Tilsley, a man conservative in nature who has spent his whole life searching for gold. I remember sitting next to him on a site visit where he explained that as a 6 year old, he would be paid a dime to find gold nuggets after a rain storm from the mine where his dad worked. He has kept looking for gold all his life and seen his share of exploration projects. Now, what he is saying is that one big system by human standards but average or small by geological standard created or deposited all this quartz laden gold in the hard diorite that was already here (Lar, please correct me if my interpretation here is wrong). For such a system to exist at all, it had to be large as this type of system cannot exist in small renditions. This is the basis by which he says that the mineralization goes down two or three thousand meters and that his 1000 meter cut off is simply an economical cut off where mining below this becomes non economical with the prices we have today. So if our deep holes return gold down to the bottom, somewhere along the 600m mark vertically, this would support the hydrothermal fracturing theory and by corollary support that all the quartz deposited from Beland to Laval's mountain came from the same source/event and that we are looking at a gold deposit of monumental or historic perspective.

How big can this be? We have a target set by the company of 100M tons in a 1000mx600m section where the historical grade is 2g/t but where JT and the bulk sample suggest we are really at 3g/t or higher. If that is the case, we are looking at 10M ounces in this very small section of our claims, 0.6% of our claims to be exact. Now, what do we multiply 10M ounces by to represent the 17km belt? Is it conceivable that we have 25M ounces, 50M ounces more??? At this point it is pure conjecture but when we get our assays back "soon" if we are anywhere near 2g/t (remember that the drill under estimates the grade by 50% or more so 2g/t really would mean 3g/t) then this will be one part of the puzzle that supports this big theory. The VG at Beland seems to support this belt theory but the deep holes and the drilling at Laval's mountain will really begin to tell real story here.

Stay tuned!


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