Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: rushing the assays costs 3X

Twilight said:

"No reason to dump GNH if it's a conservatively small part of your portfolio.

But if you have a big chunk of your money (i.e. >10-20% depending on your psychology) that's ridding on this one play, you're missing out on an amazing season for gold and silver miners.

You're also being foolish with your money."

I agree, and I wouldn't expect fireworks from this set of assays. They will be low grade with small to medium intercept lengths, comparable to last time. I'm not expecting a big increase in the stock price anymore either with the coming news release. I expect that a PP will be done at close to the 50 cent level give or take 10%. This is a LONG term play that will slowly increase its tonnage. The stock won't receive its full valuation until the 43-101 with proven and probable reserves included in it are published. It will be great, but not yet. Some are OK with this. Others want to take advantage of more plays.

We're a long way from knowing the full potential here. It's still a good opportunity, a great opportunity but Twilight is right. If you are heavy here you're missing out on increasing your net worth through other positions and having more to invest here down the road if you'd like. Especially with silver right now, it's going A-wall and will continue to do so. I know I missed an opportunity to add some SLW and watched it go crazy but held here because every few weeks I was expecting results. I could have doubled my position here by not waiting here, even after the big sell off. Now it seems that we'll get a news release before the end of the year? If I have to wait another 2 weeks to a month for news I'll miss out even more. Just saying Twilight's advice is sound.

I love this play but I also look at opportunity cost. And I may be managing my expectations so I'm not dissapointed.


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