Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Re: phonecon/email with Sasha
Nov 26, 2010 12:13PM
Nov 26, 2010 12:27PM

I also sent an email to Sash and was very pleased that he responded to it. I now know what you guys/gals mean when you say the management of GNH is very accessible. He invited me to call him anytime. Here is part of the email he sent me as I am sure he won't mind me posting as it has already been discuused on this hub.

The drill program overall is going on very well and we are hitting mineralization in great quantity. In fact, we have been hitting a high quantity of visible gold in holes that have gone down in the 88/Snow White. I cannot give you the exact hit ratio off the top of my head.

With regards to assaying, essentially, everything goes to fire assay. If the values are good, we sent them back for full pulp metallic, which basically doubles the time frame to get them back. So contrary to popular belief, if assays are taking longer for us, it is better than worse. We are sending roughly 200 samples per day to the lab so, other client companies aside, GNH is keeping ActLabs very very busy. Add to that, we receive assays back in a scattered manner which does not speed things up.

And I also know now why they would not rush the assays.

Nov 27, 2010 09:50AM
Nov 27, 2010 10:16AM
Nov 27, 2010 01:51PM
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