Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Assay Timing

Absolutely correct Larry,

One of my good friends is an extremely accomplished trader and former Mining CEO and Chairman.

He makes absurd amounts of money in the market, ........seemingly at will.

He subscribes to Bloomberg,.......which includes a multi screen, high speed trading computer and full support! He can see everything! In his home office he is able to see exactly the same things any trading house in the world has, and, in real time. The advantage is huge!

Cost?.............a cool $3,500.00 ..........................per month!

You need to be a serious player to justify that cost! But if you can, it is an amazing tool in your belt!

Me......I use the tried and true......fingers crossed method.........or I call my friend and ask. Both are cheaper!


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