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Message: News - Golden Hope listed on new U.S. stock market exchange

I have talked to him (Frank Candido) twice this week and a few times to Sasha as well. I have had a very busy week and frankly getting annoyed at that bashers here lately so have not commented much. When I talked to Frank, he discussed how they had been working hard on the OTCQX listing and the PR company for the US market. Frank has a personal relationship with the principal from the PR company, knows him very well and says we are in great hands there. I pointed out that having a PR presence in the US, along with our upgrading OTCQX listing would be a great thing to have in place before we gave our assays out as we would have more bang for our buck. His first reaction to my comment was to be very careful with that line of thinking as people may think he is witholding assays until this is done and that this is ABSOLUTELY not the case. I believe him 100% on that fact. However, I am happy that the NR came out in the general time frame he gave (he said sometime in the next 2 weeks and it was 3 days). We are now set up very well to release assays with both US and Canadian markets able to participate easily in the buying and selling.

As for the timeframe for assays, he would not even give one. He says this is out of his hands and in the hands of James Tilsley. So I have no clue when assays will be coming. What I do know is that this project is still very exciting to me and when I see people bashing this play when we are so low, I get suspicious of their motives. The same way I get suspicious when people pump when we are near a top, although, my natural optimism has lead me there a few times, but never for malicious reasons. So when you see people bashing and you have done enough DD to be confortable buying when all the signs say sell, I think you are making a very wise investment decision. I bought a small 12k shares today FWIW.

There is nothing from a fundamental perspective that scares me about this company. We have an excellent team working a very large virgin property and no one can guarantee that this will not turn out to be a great mine one day. I said it before that I have made my peace with waiting for the results, no matter what the SP does in the interim. I may just add little bits here and there if we stay this low.

Have a great weekend all,


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