Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: This is insane.

management is providing shareholder value... for the future, which is what it's all about. ...they do this particularly by soliciting world experts to make sure that we spend our 5 million cash in the most effective way.

meanwhile, there has been no drilling since feb. 8 and we are in the important process of verifying our next big drill program which will lead to a resource estimate.

lastly the entire junior market is on a down swing... just the way it goes sentiment is not rational.

so... no news for while with drill results and poor over-all market sentiment ....and yup, the share price depreciates... no big deal unless you had wanted to make a quick buck

meanwhile, GNh increases it's fundemental value while management takes the extremely responsible steps demonstrating prudent fiscal behaviour for the future well-being of our company.

so management is providing share-holder value.

it's just not imediate.

please sell if you don't have the patience.

i don't care if we go down to 5 cents ...i just don't care ...i know at the end of the day we will be somewhere between 5 and 100 bucks.

you don't want to wait, then fine, get out.

those of us who are real investors, understand that it takes time: we will be rewarded for our patience ...just like Mr. Buffit.

cheers ...danny

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