Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Chat w Frank

Called for my quarterly update from the honcho....haven't called much lately. Been depressing watching the SP decline, but what can you do or say? GNH has taken it's lumps, that's for certain. I'm sure FC's mood can ebb and flow with the SP but he's seems able to take it all in stride....what choice does he have, really?

Personally, I think the floor is in. Unfortunately for me as I had an order in today for 17.5 cents which never took. I hold enough GNH already but I think the SP is getting to a point where it's hard to say no.

He wouldn't discuss results and claimed he didn't know anything about the next batch. I think this was a creative way to say, 'don't ask me about them'. Fair enough, he's not allowed to and I appreciate that just the same.

He was the insider who recently bought.

They have given ALL of their drilling info to SGS (going from memory here thats the firm) and they have already come back with some prelim 3d modeling. Well ALL of their info excluding the outstanding assays. I suspect that this will be the firm to do the resource estimate although that was not in the NR.

I have wrote myself some reminders. Mineralfields has 2.1M options expiring May 6 at 50 cents, if they haven't exercised them....which they should have. They were 25 cents in 2010 and 50 cents in 2011 so they were in the money at some point. I'll hope they didn't.

Paradox has 350k options expiring on May 19 at 12 cents per share. Not sure if they have exercised them.

I am also remembering Senvest is one of (but probably is) the largest shareholders of GNH. This guy must be an absolute idiot because he only made $80M+ on a company that is worth just $200M+. Ya, a P/E ratio of 3.32. Why don't I own those shares???

Not sure about you guys but so far the weather in Toronto has been pitiful. I feel like I haven't seen a blue sky since November! In fact, I'm not joking I think the end of this week may be the only 3 day stretch of sun we've had in 2011. Just commenting because I don't think anyone has seen the blue sky in GNH since February either.

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