Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Champagne?

Based on the previous drilling schedule this may be related to the recently drilled Champagne property. Remember all the hype a year ago about this being a huge "Gold Belt" and that they we're hoping for more than just the Bellechase Timmins deposit, this may be the start of proving up that theory? I would be extremely excited if they could provide some decent intercepts on Champagne to go along with what they already have at Bellechase.

I would suspect that we remain halted until after the close when the news will actually be released and then we'll be up and running.

Here's hoping for good news!!


Dec 06, 2011 03:36PM
Dec 06, 2011 04:01PM
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