Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Halt worthy?! Not bad...

I like that:

BD2011-162 152 264 112 1.33

is closer to surface, by about 200 meters, compared to the earlier hit:

BD2011-164 431 446 15 7.64

But what I like less is that the the grades do not get better at further depth (at least on these results).

In BD2011-162, beyond the:

Including 209 222 13 7.01

We drop back down, significantly, to:

Including 232 250 18 1.47

in the 88 zone, in any event.

Still, a nice 13 meter intercept, and pretty close to surface. Certainly should extend the resource estimate.

Big pop tomorrow? Wouldn't count on it just yet.


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