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Message: What's going on??


I want to be respectful here but you are making it hard to be!

First of all you wrote:

The fact remains that while he is under no obligation to say why he sold shares, to my mind, it would have been prudent to put himself in the shoes of small retailers such as myself and make a statement.

Have you ever seen a CEO or other insider make a statement about why they sold?

I did know why he sold and you can ask Sasha if you care to confirm that. You brought up the insider sell, not very tactfully either and I wanted to help out but without Frank's permission, I did not think it was my place to say why he sold. I have too much respect for Frank to divulge his personal information on a public blogging forum. However, I thought I could maybe help you and others and that is why I responded. For you to call me arrogant over this...

You may be old Gleegee but respect is something that is earned over time...I guess you need more time!


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