Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

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Message: Re: Ho Hum
Jun 04, 2012 09:28AM
Jun 04, 2012 10:51AM
Jun 04, 2012 11:41AM
Jun 04, 2012 12:03PM
Jun 04, 2012 12:40PM

Mike- We seem to find ourselves on the opposite side of a few arguments again.

I will start with your comment "If they cant put out an RE this week ,that equals more manipulation or bad news".

Please provide for us the evidence that there was ever any manipulation. You state that a delay could mean MORE manipulation. Your source here would be very helpful as I have never heard this one before.

As far as it being late because it is bad news- even if the estimate is lower than projected - what possible good would it do to hold onto it? All of the data are in and they will not start drilling again until after the RE is released.

Your second comment : "also after all the problems to put out an RE, due to the nuggetty effect, how can it even be believed, was also surprising to me.

I was not aware that there were any problems putting out the RE or that the nuggety effect had any impact on this process. I was under the impression that by ignoring the nuggety effect we may impact the final number of ounces reported in the RE (lower of course), but that it would lead to a more rapid completion of the RE - a number we could start to build on.

For you to suggest that the final number of the RE is not to be believed would be to suggest that SGS is somehow involved in a criminal activity and/or is not using industry best practices and standards. Are you sure about that statement - because I would hate to see you get in trouble over saying something like that on this forum?

"hopefully it hits a dime and someone takes it over,this one needs new management"

I'm confused by your apparent contradiction - if you truly believe that the RE is not to be trusted then how would it pass the stringent DD needed for a buyout by a suitor.

All information and opinions are welcome here provided they are clearly identified as such.



Jun 04, 2012 11:11PM
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