Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Ho Hum

You make it sound like gold had bottomed out and now it is on the upturn,even at 1500,the price is up there,I agree ,maybe its better the RE didnt come out,,but really after all the great core results and pumping,dont you think the RE should not have to be delayed or manipulated,face the facts the nuggetty effect is the killer,,to many meters for to little result,look back and see how many meters have been drilled for a very few spectacular results, what ever happened to that 6400 gpt hole,,all it did was raise the sp to 31 for a while so the insiders could take profit,I personally bought back in at 14.5, so I am golden hoping also,but its time to poop or get off the pot for these guys,,I am not investing monopoly money,If they cant put out an RE this week ,that equals more manipulation or bad news,I am dumping on friday if no RE date is set, at a loss probably,enough is enough for this one,I agree with P.C, no news and slow news, is generally bad news,,also after all the problems to put out an RE,due to the nuggetty effect,how can it even be believed,hopefully it hits a dime and someone takes it over,this one needs new management, jmho ,also do you, yourself expect the RE this week?I dont.Lets hope I am wrong.

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