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Message: New Letter to the Board of Directors

It's not a popularity contest, and I'm not suggesting it is. However, litagation is also not the answer. When someone runs to the courts over every percieved wrong, then you begin to look like the "angry white guy" and not a objective participant.

I think your heart is in the right place and I applaud your courage in bringing this forth.

I share many of your concerns and I also believe this company thinks of itself as a 500 million market cap company on the verge of discovery.

It isn't!

Frankly, it is so small and insignificant the existing BoD probably can't be bothered with it. That can be a huge problem, when you have a board that is to overqualified to represent the shareholders of an insignificant company. They can't be bothered to do their jobs! Sitting on a board is very difficult and extremely time consuming, if you plan on doing it well. It is rarely worth the compensation unless the company hit's it big. Some Board members make up for that by being "board Junkies".

Is management protecting themselves on our'd have to be totaly blind and dillusional to not see that.

Is our Board?

probably not.........I just think they stopped giving a crap long ago.

Ask yourself I worry about the annual cost of napkins on my family budget ?

That's about the signifigance of GNH, to the caliber of our board........They are far to qualified to give a rip!

As far as working for experience has been that when someone works for nothing I usually get what I'm paying for. I'm gratefull you've shone a light on the companies problems, I just don't think your the guy to fix it. Nothing personal


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