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Message: one more thing about Earl.....

Not that I'm taking sides Lar, but the stock price dropped 90% from it's high before E T showed up and it was half of what it was when Frank took over a number of years ago. Even at 9 cents it was running a three year low, and ET hadn't said a word pubically. I don't think ET is helping the situation, and I can't say I support him for a directorship, but we should at least wait to see the proposal before we judge on it's merits.

The state of our sp can be blamed on a lot of things. Shareholder activism has usually resulted in an overall gain in value for a company in the medium term. I'm not sure ET is the right kind of activist, but then again I havn't seen his proposal.

When we lose our money we begin to fall back on the useless business plan called "hope". Hope is a strategy for life and not for business. We do this to make ourselves feel better, no different than the people who are scammed by Nigerian con artists. They constantly are given slivers of "hope" to keep them on the line. The same happens to shareholders. You must divorce yourself from that emotion and look at the cold hard facts. If anyone has a talent for that, it is you.

My vote will wait to see the strength of the proposal and to see what our management intends to offer as well.

If they offer nothing.............then we probnably have our answer............or we can "hope" for a miracle.


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