Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Re: Tell me if you find this to be unusual...

What I'm talking about is you comparing a CFO "emphasizing" $81 million in profit and then in the next post calling it a huge operating company even though it lost $83M+. You are upset about salaries when you have lost money and then dis the CFO for "sitting around and paying a few bills".

A CFO in this type of venture enterprise spends HUNDREDS of hours preparing PP briefs, banking reports, financials, analysis, talking to the investment community, etc, etc. and if you do not know that, do not appreciate that, and do not recognize it, then another reason for my distrusting your motives. Shareholder value will come from transforming a Jr. exploration company into a producer which, last I looked, was the goal. You rode this from a massively overbought stock and rode it down...and down and down. If anything, I would simply ask the board to call in a $5000.00 consultant who can do a critical salary analysis on comparative company's executives and present that to the board in a week.

Then maybe we can get on with more pressing matters.

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