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Message: .03 now

Apart from any opinion, one must not confuse a member of the board from an executive. A board member has no managing power, meets usually 4-6 times a year in a conference room - sometimes by tele-conference, and may perhaps have some say on management strategy, but not that much if he is not himself an executive. To be honest, a Director has not much power as regards to the day-to-day managing... Larry Hoover is a Director, and as such, has access to internal info and is allowed a (single) vote on the Board. But, as credible and trustable the man is, to think that he could by himself change the course of things at GNH is pure wishful thinking. Addition of a Director, Earl or Lar or anyone else is not a change in Management, and this change is probably what this company does need most - and urgently - right now. GLTA

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