Welcome To The Golden Minerals HUB On AGORACOM

Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Scoop up the margins.

I have info from a reliable source that the selling today by cannacord was margin selling.  It's must drive peole crazy to be forced to sell just about at the exact wrong time.  But this tends to be what markets do, time and time again.  I also note a friend of mine also had to sell some stock today due to a margin call.  Of course I know others who were buying ECU today at what they think are firesale prices as the company is on the verge of both some serious positive technicals and major new fundamental being released in the 43-101 report.

I maintain my long term view that ECU will simply be one of biggest emerging resource producers of the last few years and build one of the largest resources in Mexico.  I believe the TD analyst gets it and so will many others over the next 1-2 years and maybe even weeks or months even as frustrating as this junior market has been for the last year.

I also note that GOG is definitely undervalued given it's over 20 million ounces to it's credit at San Diego and this will grow substantially yet and they have been drilling now for weeks and I expect good results.  As speculated here by some posters, it's also completely plausible that ECU may re-acquire San Diego someday as the fit would be excellent.

The company has not purposely delayed the 43-101 in my view and we will not be disappointed as per the TD bank analysts view which so many seem to have forgotten.  The company worked for the last year to get analyst coverage (both TD and Blackmont have now published with a minor review by Desjardin, to bad Fowler left or it would have been major coverage) as everyone and their dog pointed out this was a flaw and a problem if the project was real and had strong growth potential and now everyone forget.  I advise everyone to please remember that this 43-101 is a history lesson as these documents tend to be wowfully behind the timeline.

I'm 100% confident the TD analyst is correct and also very conservative on his outlook for a minimum 500 million ounces in the future at ECU and I expect these ounces to be realized rather quickly down the road.  Enough for me tonight but I must say it sure is nice to see reasonable and intelligent posters for a change.


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