Welcome To The Golden Minerals HUB On AGORACOM

Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Conference Call

I have nothing against owning physical MYER but history teaches that the real money and leverage is made owning companies that have the biggest, fastest growing and best resource development and production means squat unless your resource is small with little upside potential like.  Lots of these small production small resource stories exist in Mexico but few have what ECU is developing and I scratch my head wondering what is it that people don't get or understand. 


The company made it clear it is presently well funded based on the continued work levels of the present exploration program.  In my view this is going to be inadequate and too slow as the huge resource beckons.  Of course they will turn the existing mill to profitable production and this will help but from my view I would like to see 8-10 drills to really exccelerate this program as it should be.  If this means that some additional monies need be raised later this year that I'm all for it to fund the development of one billion ounces of silver eq.  There isn't a company on the planet in this sector that wouldn't love to have this project.


I also would like to point out that only a handfull of companies in the whole silver/gold sector have built a resource such as ECU's in such a short time frame, it's moving fast compared to most.


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