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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Re: Question about CDNX and a bad smell

Re: Question about CDNX and a bad smell

posted on Mar 06, 2008 09:19AM

That index is as good as any for pure junior activity BigPic. We must not forget that tomorrow is the job numbers and in job numbers week gold and silver are always attacked and this has been true for years now. Another explanantion for gold and silver activity today versus the dollar is that the real terrorists now dwell in offices in New York. The latest solvency issues for banks that originated in schemes in back offices of New York banks make this ever so much more evident. The latest fiascos will go down as the biggest scam in the financial history although I suspect that climate change crap and derivatives will someday rival the recent schemes. It seems this is what they do now and how they create wealth.

Today's action makes little sense so I always look for the simplest explanation as being the most likely and I doubt it was driven by profit taking.

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