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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Strange combination

Strange combination

posted on Dec 10, 2008 07:15AM

I see that gold us up $37 and silver up over $.40

US $ down almost .50 Oil has recovered from a brief pullback on the day. Treasuries are still down for short terms and oversubscribed in the new sale. And finally the stock indices are all up.

And the talk in congress today is how they feel that the bankers (actually paulscum and break-the-banke) are getting a lot of flack about the letting out of the first tranch of TARP with no accountability and not following the plan that was voted on. Congress now says that a total of $8.6 trillion has been placed in the financial industry and no one knows where it went and we have had no benefit. This is scaring some congress crritters away from the Auto bailout.

I don't see the trend. But most of all the rise in ECU is pitiful when it should be well over $1.20 I am not that patient today....

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