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Message: ECU shorters are getting a name

There is absolutely nothing professional about Ecclestone's writings and I wouldn't lower myself to respond to his misleading comments, lies, twisted suggestions, taken out of context comments and bucket shop effort to discredit ECU management.

Heis bought and paid for by a US hedge fund to spread these lies to assist in their manipulative games and now they have forced a ridiculous number of posts on a communication board filled with knowledgeable ECU shareholders, what a triumph for the bad guys. This crap has been around financial circles for many months and made the rounds long ago and I note that no reputable institution, analyst, news person or news service, would publish or asscoiate with such trash analysis and poorly written crap.

I also note that Ecclestone works in the same office as that other lying SOB, known as OttoRock who has written the same type of garbage.

ECU is a big board listed TSX company governed by strict guidelines and audit procedures. In addition it has raised large amounts of money over the years (close to $30 million in the last year alone) from sophisticated investors, investment firms and banks whose due diligence and legal processes are exacting and very thorough. Don't let yourself be taken in by some bucketshop written piece of crap that is bought and paid for by the very people who have been hurting and manipulating ECU for the last year or so.

None, I repeat none!!!, of this stuff is legit and the whole article was intended to do what is now happening, create confusion and trying to create wedges which help them make money. Do not let these criminals play with your mind or investment!!!

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