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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: a short appeal to everyone to cease and desist

Everything that can be said has been said so I am going to ask once again as I have before for everyone to cease and desist these personal attacks. Many posters here have expressed their views on this nasty political stuff and personal attacks that all have suffered from. Everyone has been more than patient with the few posters who continue to persist. I had hoped that appeals from others lately would quell this ongoing useless and destructive non-debate that has denigrated to he said she said stuff.

Let common sense and human decency prevail and ignore that which you don't like as opposed to using it as a provocation to attack. I'm sure the vast majority on this board would appreciate the end of all the nasty politcal discourse and personal attacks.

Please pay attention to those who have courageously spoken out against this discourse and those who have ended their paticipation for the bettermeant of all here. I would encourage and ask everyone to exercise some restraint and self discipline to bring this to an end.

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