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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: My biggest take away from last nights Midas

I found this statement from last nights Midas the most intriguing. I don't think I would have come to the same conclusion on my own, but I think Rich is probably correct and he saw the real method to the madness of the G&S dump.

RG was right on early this morning…

I'm beginning to suspect Silver's take down yesterday may very well be a signal that a breakout in copper is imminent,..

Quite a contrarian take I realise, but a confirmed breakout in copper is almost certainly going to put a massive fire under the belly of Hi-Ho,..

My guess is copper's about to spring and the 'usuals' are endeavouring to ensure silver (and gold) are watching from the lowest seats possible,..

Quite a thought,.. Go long copper because silver's just been mauled for 2 dollars!.. This market system is in such a mess, when traders are having to think so out of the box,..
Rich (Live from 'The Scarborough Bullion Desk'

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