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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: My chance to be a fortune teller!

As most of you know, I have no time for T.A.

I leave that practice to the ACCOUNTANTS. It's what they do! They record HISTORY; things that have already happened. And they are very good at it too.

However, there are very few who can view history and project the future, but It's something that I've always wanted to try, so here goes.

Sometime in the third quarter, GDP, GNP and GDI numbers will be released for the second quarter.

If the numbers are NOT reported correctly, which is most probable, life will go on and we will see a big "pop" in equities and the PM's will get hit, and hit hard. Being a "goldbug" will become extremely embarrassing until the official corrections are made, but that may take some time, like sixty days or more.

If they are reported correctly, which I doubt, soon after, I predict there will be a "Black Swan" event and things will get really crazy in the financial markets, all to take the emphasis off what is really happening. Expect the Political scene to take centre stage rather than the Financial scene. After all, can't let on that no-one understands what is wrong or how it can be fixed. I expect some kind of violence to erupt, either in North America or promoted by the same. These things will start happening just as soon as the elites start to realize they have been conned.

So there you have my prediction.

"We live in interesting times"

Good Luck to all!

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