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Message: Zero Hedge: UBS is about to blow the cover on a massive gold-rigging scandal

Zero Hedge: UBS is about to blow the cover on a massive gold-rigging scandal

Submitted by cpowell on 10:28AM ET Monday, September 28, 2015. Section: Daily Dispatches

From Zero Hedge
Monday, September 28, 2015

With countless settlements documenting the rigging of every single asset class, it was only a matter of time before the regulators -- some 10 years behind the curve as usual -- finally cracked down on gold manipulation as well, even though, as we have shown in the past, central banks in general and the Fed in particular are among the biggest gold manipulators.

That said, we are confident by now nobody will be surprised that there was manipulation going on in the gold casino. In fact, ever since Germany's Bafin launched a probe into Deutsche Bank for gold and silver manipulation, it has been very clear that the only question is how many banks will end up paying billions to settle the rigging of the gold market (with nobody going to prison as usual, of course).

Earlier today we learned that the Swiss competition watchdog just became the latest to enjoin the ongoing gold manipulation probe when, as Reuters reported --


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