Golden Peaks Resources HUB - AGORACOM

Drilling about to restart at La Fortuna, 1st resource calc being worked on

Message: Wrong way

Interesting time to make this post; the price has actually rebounded by about 35% since it's bottom a short bit ago and is in the midst of what I expect to be just the beginning of a long term sustainable recovery.

The strategic decisions that had to be made as a result of the warrants that were ready to mature yesterday (31-Mar-08) caused a VERY flat uninspiring start to the year; those warrants have now expired and the stock has started the recovery. Additionally, this opens up multiple other options as to how to proceed, with that dilution off the table.

A financing is a possibility and I believe there have been discussions is being discussed; whether or not one is done is a whole different story though, as you never know if the package being presented offers sufficient value to justify going forward with it. The company has indicated that they will NOT execute a financing below the level of the last one and I can't blame them; that means nothing below $1.50 and they would be looking for appreciable strategic value to consider one at that price as well. Having made that statement, the level of players involved are capable of providing that type of strategic value.

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