Golden Peaks Resources HUB - AGORACOM

Drilling about to restart at La Fortuna, 1st resource calc being worked on

Message: Re: If it looks like a frog, and, acts like a frog..

Hi BB, sorry I have been a little remiss in updating things here as I moderate the forum on Stockhouse and it is the more active of the 2 and the majority of the participants watch both. I actually started back on Silicon Investor and eventually migrated to SH from there, because 2 different forums on a single company was simply a lot of work. I ahd hoped this one might pick up, but it hasn't really seen much traffic yet.

Now, as for your question; I expect that you will start to see some more "prince" like qualities showing up very soon. The company has little choice but to start looking at some form of quality promotional activities; they have good cash in the bank, but that is exactly when a company needs to be preparing for their next financing, NOT waiting until they "need' the money. Golden Peaks intentionally decided not to explicitly pursue getting their warrants exercised and as a result will need to be looking at their source of capitalization; that will be a financing and they will NOT be doing it at these levels.

The company is already undervalued, but they have done VERY LITTLE promotion and so assuming that is changing (I'm hearing it is), expect to see a turn around in the SP. Additionally a large seller who has been "in the market" since the beginning of the year is now apparently out and this should also open the door for the SP to start to advance. The seller apparently had a cost base of under $1.00 so could afford to just keep selling. I'm told they were holding somewhere in the area of 2.8 million shares when they started - thankfully they don't have them any more. A fair bit of new arranged buying wound up taking down a lot of that volume, but since the new buyers didn't seem need to chase the seller; they simply didn't.

I hope this is of assistance. keep your eyes on GL; we should see her start to get more interesting.

Leigh McBain

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