Welcome To The Happy Creek Minerals HUB On AGORACOM

Exploration of mineral properties containing various metals such as copper, molybdenum, tungsten, gold and silver, in British Columbia, Canada

Message: Hpy vs HBK
Noticed that over on SH there seems to be a coordinated effort to convince people to sell their HPYstock amd replace it with HBK. I did a small amount of DD on HBK and didn't see the similarity, other than both have copper properties in central BC. It appears that HBK is trying to go into the aggregate business. Anyway this is a rather strange attack strategy. Basically they are attacking HPY based on the fact that HPY has a long way to go before they can hope for any revenue, whiich is true, but I certainly would not recommend that HPY go into the aggregate business as a way to fund the further exploration of their copper, gold, silver molybendum, tungsten,etc. properties. The biggest problem I see with HPY is that they have so many high potential properties that they will have to choose a couple of areas to focus their exploration efforts this year so they can define some resources and perhaps find one or more JV partners to further the development, then they can focus continuing efforts towards expanding those resources and exploration of more of their properties. Obviously, they also need to get past Dwek and his ilk as investors and gain some longer term large investors for future PP's at higher prices, which should be possible if they coninue to get drilling results similar to those they have seen over the past year. Rip
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