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Message: INDUSTRY BULLETIN: Tim Bieber: XR Immersive Tech Is a Virtual Reality and Immersive Entertainment Studio

INDUSTRY BULLETIN: Tim Bieber: XR Immersive Tech Is a Virtual Reality and Immersive Entertainment Studio

posted on Aug 08, 2022 10:42AM

XR Immersive Tech is a virtual reality and immersive entertainment studio. Our team designs, prototypes, develops, builds, and installs custom hyper-immersive experiences, attractions and software products that empower a global network of VR arcade operators and entertainment centers.

Our aim is to create novel experiences, hardware and software solutions that elevate the potential of virtual reality and immersive attractions while highlighting the impressive potential of modern technology.

Tell us about yourself?

My passion has always been in building ideas into marketable products that offer insight into the opportunities and the possibilities that technology offers. In many ways I have always pursued this manner of vision and approach to work.

With a lot of time spent in the startup industry, I quickly found myself in precisely the sector I wanted to be in.

One could say that it’s practically in my blood, with my first media startup launching a globally syndicated TV series which ran from 2001 to 2007 and was broadcast in 65 countries, and, over the years enjoying success with 6 further media and tech-related companies, developing them from their early days to successful exits when my work with them was complete.

I have held various C-level and have built, managed or worked alongside sales teams for some of the largest companies in the world (IBM, Google/YouTube, CBS Interactive, BBTV) selling everything from digital media to SaaS to green-tech solutions in countless different industries.

All of this experience has led me towards where I am today, in the VR sector, having previously founded a startup at the very beginning of VR when the industry was just getting started.

As CEO of XR Immersive Tech I have the opportunity to work with talented and skilled colleagues with big visions and, fortunately, the resources to elevate VR to new heights.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

I feel the advice I would offer my past-self is rather simple: don’t stress about the things you cannot control. Focus on what you know you can have a positive impact upon.

What problem does your business solve?

The modern location-based entertainment industry is one that lingers and lags behind the potential that technology can offer partly due to high-costs and difficulty for installations, staff training, and novelty of experiences.

These out-of-home entertainment organizations seek out opportunities to reward their audience with fun, innovative, and engaging experiences and XR Immersive Tech’s catalog of games and VR attractions aim to address this by offering highly-immersive experiences that are easy to operate, compelling for players, and have strong financial models for incentive.

More than this, UNCONTAINED Hyper-Immersive VR’s impressive technology and features proprietary technology and software that will impress even diehard VR enthusiasts.

Whether it is the UNCONTAINED platform, Player X’s free-roam VR structure, or the SynthesisVR network, XR Immersive Tech has a wide portfolio of solutions for entertainment centers around the world.

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Source: Tim Bieber: XR Immersive Tech Is a Virtual Reality and Immersive Entertainment Studio –

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