Welcome To The Integra Gold HUB On AGORACOM

Integra Gold is a Canadian company focused on production planning for its high-grade Lamaque South project in one of Canada's premier gold producing districts, the "Valley of Gold," Val-d'Or, Québec

Message: Re: Kalahari- ICG
Jan 15, 2011 12:18PM

It shouldn't take 15 days or a month, something else going on. I have seen some say they got there new ICG shares the next day. I think it has more to do with the Brokerage then the transfer agent. BMO apparently got theres next day and TD & RBC still waiting.

One poster said they complained to TD and they were given advance credit while they waited.

How can they tie up your shares that long, while it has already been trading for 15 days. What if the stock were tanking? Luckily ICG is on fire and more news to come.

Also here on Agrocom it lists 191 mil s/o for ICG and should only be 27 mil s/o.

GL ... JT

Jan 21, 2011 12:22AM
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